Oct 09, 2019 · sudo systemctl restart NetworkManager.service Method 2 – Using nmcli Tool. The nmcli is the command-line utility for the managing NetworkManager on CentOS/RHEL 8 Linux system. You can simply use this utility to stop/start network service on your CentOS 8 or RHEL 8 system.

Ubuntu Network Manager: Enabling and disabling Disable Network Manager and enable systemd-networkd. First, run the following set of commands to disable the NetworkManager: sudo systemctl stop NetworkManager sudo systemctl disable NetworkManager sudo systemctl mask NetworkManager. Next, start and enable the systemd-networkd service: sudo systemctl unmask systemd-networkd.service sudo How to Restart Network in Ubuntu Server Dec 02, 2014

To solve this I use sudo systemctl restart network-manager. But I want that every time I start i3, for the icon of wifi networks to be already there. So in config, I put exec nm-applet and to show me wifi networks, I try to use sudo systemctl restart network-manager .

How to configure networking with Netplan on Ubuntu Jun 03, 2019 How to Setup OpenVPN using Ubuntu Network Manager This tutorial describes the configuration of OpenVPN on Ubuntu 14.04 using the built in Network Manager. 1.) First, open a terminal and enter the following command to install the Network Manager Plugin for OpenVPN.

How to restart the networking service? - Ask Ubuntu

sudo service network-manager restart instead. Ubuntu uses network-manager instead of the traditional Linux networking model. so you should restart the network-manager service instead of the network service. Or use ifup/down. For Servers. Check this answer. How to Restart Network in Ubuntu [Command Line & GUI] Mar 13, 2019 How to Restart Networking on Ubuntu | FOSS Linux Jun 29, 2020 networkmanager - Restarting all the network in Ubuntu